Sunday, July 24, 2005

Leisure Activities

Today was an entire day spent enjoying leisure activities. After waking at 11:00 am and enjoying a restorative bowl of Lucky Charms while Katrina had leftover pork katsu, we set out with the bikes to hit the local bike trail. It's a nice twisty trail which, at some moments, has you in the midst of midday traffic near downtown, and five minutes later finds you surrounded by trees and insects who live in the local bayou with no buildings in sight. There are lots of hills to ride up and down which I like, but I always seem to have to wait for Katrina to walk her bike up them since she lacks the lower body strength (and that sporting Keene spirit) to make it up even the slightest incline. I guess it's because she's a girl. Heh, stupid girls. So, due to the 90ยบ+ heat and 237% humidity, we became severely dehydrated, almost to the point of seeing spots (despite that sporting Keene spirit). We decided to take a swim after the ride in the pool here at the building. After that, we retired to the a/c cooled apartment and watched the US Men's National Team beat Panama in penalty kicks to secure the Gold Cup championship (0-0; 3-1 p.k.). For dinner, it was Mexican night here at the homestead. We made tacos and a particularly lemony guacamole of my own design. I don't mind, I think it's good with extra lemon flavor. Want my recipe? This serves two:

2 avocados
1/2 cup diced tomato
1/2 cup diced onion (red onion for color)
Juice of 1/2 lemon or 1 lime
Salt to taste

Just make sure to completely mash the avocado and dice the onion and tomato very finely for that hot dipping action. And always choose the darkest and softest avocados since they are tastier and easier to mash. I sure learned that the hard way. Boy, lemme' tell ya. If you can, let them sit out until fully ripened, not unlike bananas.

Okay, back to the blog entry. After dinner we watched the baseball game. Cubs won in 10. I noticed that at every commercial break, ESPN ran the new ads for the Chevrolet dealerships. The ones advertising the new "limited time employee discount for everyone" for buying a new Chevy. This just sounds like a load of crap. Is it really that much less than your average year-end sale? I think it's just creative marketing language designed to fool the more gullible buyers. "Wow an employee discount? FOR ME??" It's playing to everyone's inherent jealousy of people who can get real discounts. And besides, if I were an actual Chevrolet employee, I'd be like "yeah, so I guess that makes me, like, chopped liver then, eh?" Okay, that's if I were a Canadian Chevrolet employee.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recipe, Emeril.


Monday, July 25, 2005  
Blogger Clint said...

Stick around 'cuz when we come back... ANOTHER NOTCH!!

Monday, July 25, 2005  

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