Monday, July 25, 2005

USELESS CRAP FILES: Non-Vintage Star Wars Stuff

I've recently realized how much useless crap I currently have in my possession. Granted, it's not as much as some people, but it still has the potential to get out of hand. Luckily, my acquisitions have slowed in recent years. I still thought it might be interesting to list the things I have that are Star Wars related, alone. The sad, sad part of it is that NONE of it is vintage. I was young when the movies came out and any Star Wars stuff I used to have got tossed. Still, here goes:

The Food:

Nothing helps a kid get excited about his Kellogg's Corn Flakes and Corn Pops more that dreaming about ruling the Galaxy! I know this because I bought these for that very reason. Admittedly, these will soon no longer be part of the collection. Use the Spoon, Luke.

I actually found these folders and notebooks on the clearance shelf at a Filipino food market. They were very cheap and had that musty Filipino market odor to them. Again, they're not vintage. They're also not from the 'new trilogy' era, either. The copyright says 1996!

The Folders:

The Notebooks & Ships of Star Wars Notepad:

I'm sure by this time you're all getting pretty jealous. You should be! So far, this collection is worth an estimated $7.00!! But wait, we're gettin' into the real money now!

The Games:

Pictured here are a couple SNES Star Wars games. I still need the 'Empire Strikes Back' game, of course. I got 'Rogue Leader' the same day I bought the Nintendo GameCube and acquired this demo for 'Rebel Strike' at the EB Games in Southlake Mall after putting a few dollars down to purchase the game once it was released. I didn't like the demo, so I asked to put the money towards another game. "Not our policy," they said. What's the use of playing a demo? I finally got the manager to comply, and I kept the demo for it's cool retro 'Star Wars: The Arcade Game' which is included on the disc as a bonus.

Here, you see the Tiger Quiz Wiz Star Wars set (1997). 1001 questions of electronic trivia sunshine.

The Obligatory VHS "Special Edition" & Star Wars DVD's:

Okay, this is where it begins to get sick. Like my good friend, Alan, I was a little disheartened to learn that the original trilogy would never again be released in a digital format for us to enjoy. Sooner or later (or already) the VHS that were available in 1996 would begin to deteriorate in picture and sound and would be annoying to view in later years. Luckily, a laserdisc player was passed down to us by the older generation of relatives. That naturally led to this purchase:

The Laserdiscs (old and new):

Well, there it is. Nice, huh? Stay tuned for future USELESS CRAP FILES where I might discuss, you guessed it, more useless crap!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought a box of Apple Jacks with Yoda on the front of the box. It came with a sweet glowing red lightsaber spoon. I battled the forces of darkness in my cereal bowl and it was oh so satisfying.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, seriously. It has an on/off switch and glows red. It also comes in blue. It says on the front of the box that the spoon is included.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Clint. That stuff was way too useful. Now, I have an old ewoks shirt from the 1980s that is pretty useless.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005  
Blogger Clint said...

Well, I guess you're right. that post started out with just the notebooks and pretty much evolved from there.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005  

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