Sunday, April 16, 2006


I cannot let this web log observe-o-thingy go an entire month without some sort of update. So with two days to go before the month is up, here's a new post.


I hereby promise to be a little more adamant about putting something here. There's been a few little things to convey, recently. One mysterious little item has to do with a couple mysterious e-mails I've been receiving, recently. I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that they've been coming to my junk mail account. That is, the account I use when I'm signing up for stuff online that requires an e-mail address. Here's what the message looked like:

The top portion of the message is pretty much straight-forward bullshit, but the bottom is where the facade falls apart. What does any of that mean? "...Planetarium a drugging in cloudy on eastman and liquids??" There's the whole garbled line of text, too. Interestingly, the whole message, from top to bottom, is a hotlink to some page I wouldn't even consider going to. I noticed this email at work, and wouldn't even subject their computers to the firestorm of viruses and spyware no doubt waiting on the other end.

These scam artists need to start refining their methods if the want to pull the wool over our eyes.


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