Monday, August 08, 2005

Mundane Post

I was only scheduled from 3-7PM today, but I wound up working until 9:30 or so. Much of the day was spent on the catwalk. No, not as a model, cute as I am in certain get-ups, but as an audio/visuals coordinator pulling socapex lighting cable and five-wire video cable high atop an auditorium/gymnasium venue at the M. O. Campbell Center in Aldine, Texas (technically Houston, but I just like the Texan sound of "Aldine, Texas"). The event was a beginning-of-school year rally for teachers of the Aldine Independent School District, which boasts over 150 schools. There were about 5,000 teachers present. After the motivational speaker finished (they actually hired one), and the event ended, those educators cleared the hell out of there as though there were a 10-hour sale on red Papermates™ and three-hole-punches somewhere across town. Then we striked. I'm sure I was a sight to behold as I soaked thorough my polo shirt. Wrapping over 600 ft. of heavy 1-inch and 2-inch-thick cable will do that to a guy.

Tomorrow, I'm 'invited' to a meeting with the Houston region of the company to go over customer service and other things. I'm off tomorrow, but I'll probably go to be on the clock; and so I can, you know, learn about customer service and stuff. So, until then...


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