Saturday, July 30, 2005

Late Nite Update

Sorry for the late update, loyal Observe-O-Ramers, but I just got off after a long day of work. No, wait. That sounded bad. I just got off OF WORK after a long day. There, that's better. I Worked from 2pm-1am tonight, and I'm not afraid to tell ya, the dogs are BARKIN'! Most of the night, however, consisted of waiting for the event in the main ballroom to finish so we can get in there to strike our set. Luckily, we have a TV in the office and we watched part of Stigmata, a really bad movie from the late 90's that was on cable. Later on, we saw a little bit of Independence Day, another really bad movie from the late 90's that was on AMC. Yeah, I know. 'American Movie Classics.' Since when do stinkburgers like "ID4" qualify as classics? I think any movie with smart-ass initials like "ID4" or "M2M" (Mission to Mars) should receive a new classification. I really don't know what to call this new category, yet. Maybe "Crap" or "Garbage." Perhaps "Lousy" would fit nicely. Could you see those signs on the shelves at the local Blockbuster's? Drama, Comedy, Action, Horror, Shit, Family Favorites and so on. At our local Blockbuster's, there's actually a section called "Community Favorites." That's where the lady behind the counter told me I could find Chasing Amy a few days ago. It's also where they keep all their Queer as Folk and other homo-gay titles. All the boy-boy and gir-girl stuff goes there. I thought it was amusing because "community favorites" has that family friendly sound to it. That's why I wondered if she was looking up the right movie. It could be because that Blockbuster's is a few blocks away from Montrose, Houston's gay/counterculture community. Montrose is actually one of the coolest areas around here for all of its neat shops and good restaurants. It still doesn't hold a candle to Chicago's north side or Wicker Park, though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what are you guys having for dinner?


Sunday, July 31, 2005  
Blogger Clint said...

I had pizza, your ate had curry beef and rice.

Sunday, July 31, 2005  

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