Monday, August 22, 2005


The last two days were kind of boring, so it can all be neatly summed up in one boring post. I worked at the M. O. Campbell Center again for another teacher-based event. It was a smaller set this time, which was nice.

The hotel I work out of is hosting a week-long meeting for a bunch of the A/V Directors and Sales Directors who work for my company, so obviously we do the A/V for the event. Here's a chance for the Houston Hyatt crew to shine in front of the rest of the company since they're all gathered in our ballroom.

You'd think.

The LCD projector decided not to work. My co-worker who set it up swears he tested it, and no one doubts he did, but he was, shall we say, "apprehensive" to walk into the office where our boss and our boss's boss was still hanging out when I arrived back there today. Though I'm sure he did nothing wrong, he was still pale. I don't blame him. Isn't it ironic? Don't you think? A little too ironic. There was an A/V mishap at the FREAKING A/V Directors meeting. Oh, well. Even the doctor gets a cold once in a while. Even the mechanic's car can break down. "Physician heal thyself," I suppose.

Tomorrow, I have the wonderful task of teching one mic and running a Marantz cassette tape deck from 8am-4pm. Money for nothing.


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